MGP10 Pine Framing


MGP10 Pine Framing (Machine Graded Pine) is a structural timber grading system used in Australia and New Zealand to specify the strength and stiffness properties of pine framing timber. Here’s what MGP10 pine framing typically entails:

  1. Grading System: MGP10 is a grading system that denotes the strength and stiffness of the timber. The “MGP” stands for Machine Graded Pine, and the number (e.g., MGP10) indicates the modulus of elasticity (MOE) in MPa multiplied by 10. So, MGP10 has an MOE of approximately 10,000 MPa.
  2. Strength and Stiffness: It is engineered and graded to ensure consistent strength and stiffness properties. This grading allows builders and engineers to predict the structural performance of the timber reliably.
  3. Applications: MGP10 pine framing is commonly used in residential and light commercial construction for various structural framing elements, including:
    • Wall framing
    • Roof trusses
    • Floor joists
    • Beams and lintels
  4. Standards Compliance: It conforms to Australian and New Zealand standards, ensuring that it meets the required strength, stiffness, and durability criteria for structural use in buildings.






Merchant grade pine